Student Accessibility Resources

About Student Accessibility Resources

This section provides an overview of the universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations available to students when taking computer-based interim assessments.

Please note that the ELPAC Writing interim assessments for kindergarten, grade one, and grade two require students to hand write responses on a provided response sheet included in the DFA, located within TOMS, and then educators enter the scores for each response into the DEI.

Embedded resources are those that are part of the computer administration (e.g., digital notepad, strikethrough). Non-embedded resources are those provided outside the computer-based administration (e.g., scratch paper, multiplication table). Information about all embedded and non-embedded resources can be found in the Types of Resources section of the CAASPP and ELPAC Accessibility Guide.

Visual demonstrations of the most commonly used accessibility resources can be found on the Accessibility Resource Demonstration Videos web page.

Other resources regarding accessibility resources are as follows:

Universal tools are accessibility resources that are available to all students on the basis of student preference and selection.

Designated supports are available to all students when determined for use by an educator or team of educators (with parent/guardian and student input, as appropriate) or specified in the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan.

Accommodations are changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access for students and must be permitted on CAASPP and ELPAC tests to all eligible students if specified in the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan.

Set Student Accessibility Resource Settings

Accessibility resources, also known as test settings, can be assigned or changed by an educator for individual interim assessments for individual students. Changes made in the TA Interface for a student in this manner will not be saved for future testing. If a student should have a certain resource for future assessments, make sure to communicate with your school or LEA testing coordinator so it can be entered into TOMS. Instructions on how to assign test settings in TOMS can be found in the Student Profile—Test Settings Overview section of the TOMS User Guide.

If a student already has test settings assigned in TOMS, those settings will be active for corresponding interim assessments and will be displayed on the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen for that student.

For more information on how to verify or change a student’s test settings in the TA Interface, visit the Detailed Instructions for CAASPP Interim Assessment Administration and Detailed Instructions for ELPAC Interim Assessment Administration sections of this manual.