Interim Assessment–Related Systems

Several systems related to the interim assessments use Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials, allowing a user to access California assessment–related systems with the same logon information.

Users can log on to the individual systems through the CAASPP & ELPAC Website and can also transition between most systems once they are logged on to a system. In TOMS, hyperlinks to these systems can be found under the [Links] tab in the top navigation bar.

LEA staff have access to the instructional and professional learning resources available through the Smarter Balanced Tools for Teachers website after obtaining a Tools for Teachers account. These accounts are available through the LEA CAASPP coordinator or through self-registration. LEA staff can follow the steps described in the flyer How to Self-Register for Tools for Teachers to obtain an account. Registration requires an LEA domain email to self-register. Public email addresses such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo will not work with this feature.

User Roles, Including Permissions, Provided Through TOMS

All users must enter their SSO username and password to log on to the California assessment systems via TOMS. To create SSO credentials, an LEA coordinator or a site coordinator can manage users in TOMS.

Users must complete the Test Security Affidavit and Test Security Agreement, which are presented to the user when logging on to TOMS, based upon their assigned role(s). More information about these forms can be found in the Security Agreements and Security Affidavits subsection of the TOMS User Guide.

In general, user roles at the LEA level will have access to all information within the LEA, and site-level user roles will have access to users at the school site. For more information on TOMS user roles, visit the User Roles section of the TOMS User Guide.

Access to CERS

LEA CAASPP coordinators and LEA ELPAC coordinators as well as site CAASPP coordinators and site ELPAC coordinators will have access to CERS with their TOMS logon credentials.

Teachers who need access to CERS to view student results must first be assigned a TOMS user role and then need to be given access by an LEA CAASPP coordinator or LEA ELPAC coordinator or site coordinator through the student groups feature in CERS.

For more information on creating student groups and giving access to educators, visit the Manage Student Groups subsection in the California Educator Reporting System User Guide or access the Creating Groups in the California Educator Reporting System (CERS) video.

List of Systems

The California assessment systems available through the SSO are as follows: