Remote Administration Options

The interim assessments are available to be administered remotely, using the secure browser or the web-based Student Testing Interface, in a Chrome, Firefox, or Edge web browser. If the interim assessments are being administered in person, students must use the secure browser. Interim assessment administration options and required browser types are shown in table 1.

Table 1. Interim Assessment Administration Option

Session Type Secure Browser Type
In person Secure browser
Remote Secure browser or web-based Student Testing Interface

When creating a test session for students to take interim assessments, educators will need to select a session type of either In Person or Remote or Hybrid. Selecting the Remote or Hybrid option is a permitted option only during remote administration and will enable the remote testing features, which include the communication widget, embedded within the testing interface.

For instructions on using remote testing features, visit the Remote Testing Features section of the CAASPP Online Test Administration Manual.

For dealing with issues during remote testing, visit the Common Icons and Troubleshooting Tips section of the CAASPP Online Test Administration Manual.