SSID Swap Criteria for MIDs and Retired SSIDs

MID Definition

A MID happens when a CALPADS administrator requests a new SSID for a student who already has an existing SSID. Once the MID is discovered and the two SSIDs are merged for the student, one of the SSIDs is then retired. In the event an SSID is retired, the SSID moves to inactive in TOMS. LEAs will no longer be able to file STAIRS cases for the inactive SSID, because that student is no longer associated with that SSID in TOMS. Thus, a STAIRS case may need to be filed on the student’s behalf by ETS staff.


If a student has a MID situation, ETS may need to complete an SSID swap to move testing data for the student from the retired SSID to the new SSID. Table 3 in the Scenarios subsection can assist coordinators in determining whether a swap is required.

The following information is needed for each affected student prior to submitting a request for an SSID swap:

  • LEA name
  • LEA CDS code
  • Retired SSID for the student
  • New SSID for the student
  • List of parts of assessments completed
  • LEA test administration window end date (if CAASPP tests are involved)

SSID Swap Requests

Once it is determined that an SSID swap is required, an LEA coordinator will send the information gathered in the Criteria subsection to their Success Agent. ETS will submit the STAIRS case for the LEA after confirming that a swap is required.

Once the swap information has been submitted, an autogenerated email with the following subject line will be sent: “Action MAY BE Needed: Incorrect SSID Used--STAIRS Submission: Case Number [XXXX].” When an LEA coordinator receives the email, the LEA coordinator should disregard the direction to add a note in the Notes section by the LEA coordinator; the LEA coordinator does not need to enter the details a second time. This will expedite processing and eliminate an extra step for coordinators.

Completed Assessment Parts

Remapping occurs for a student who has completed all assessment parts and needs to have tests moved from a retired SSID to a new SSID with no additional action required by an LEA coordinator. This process occurs weekly. For a student’s assessment to be considered complete, a student must submit all assessment parts. In some cases, a student who has completed all assessment parts will qualify for automatic remapping.

Table 1 for the CAASPP and table 2 for the ELPAC list the parts for each assessment that would need to be submitted for remapping to occur.

Table 1. CAASPP Assessment Parts

Assessment Part(s)
Smarter Balanced for ELA
  • CAT submitted
  • PT submitted
Smarter Balanced for Mathematics
  • CAT submitted
  • PT submitted
  • Submitted test
  • Submitted test
CAA for Mathematics
  • Submitted test
CAA for Science
  • Earth and Space Sciences embedded PT submitted
  • Life Sciences embedded PT submitted
  • Physical Sciences embedded PT submitted
  • Submitted test

Table 2. ELPAC Assessment Parts or Domains

Assessment Part(s)
Initial ELPAC
  • Reading domain submitted
  • Writing domain submitted
  • Listening domain submitted
  • Speaking domain submitted in the DEI
Summative ELPAC
  • Reading domain submitted
  • Writing domain submitted
  • Listening domain submitted
  • Speaking domain submitted in the DEI
Initial Alternate ELPAC
  • Submitted test
Summative Alternate ELPAC
  • Submitted test


Table 3 provides examples of SSID swap scenarios and required outcomes.

Table 3. Swap Scenarios

Tested with Retired SSID Testing with New SSID Swap Required? How to Complete Testing
Summative ELPAC completed No other testing started No If registered for the CAASPP, the student tests under the new SSID. The student will show as not completed for the ELPAC until a remapping move to the new SSID occurs.
Two domains in the Summative ELPAC completed No other testing started Yes; request the swap for the two completed domains. The student will show as not completed for the Summative ELPAC until the swap has occurred. Once the swap has occurred, the student completes the untested domains.
Summative ELPAC and Smarter Balanced for ELA completed Started the Smarter Balanced for Mathematics No The student continues testing in mathematics and takes any other needed assessment. The Summative ELPAC and ELA assessment will move automatically. The student will show as not completed until the remapping move to the new SSID has occurred.
Smarter Balanced for ELA CAT completed No other testing started Yes; request the swap to move the CAT data to the new SSID. The student will show as not completed for ELA until the swap has occurred. Once the swap occurs, the student completes the ELA PT and any other assessment using the new SSID.
15 of 20 questions answered in the Smarter Balanced for Mathematics CAT No other testing started No If a student partially completed a part of an assessment but did not submit that part, the entire part must be retested.
Three of four CAA for Science embedded PTs submitted Last embedded PT submitted Yes; request the swap to move the embedded PTs completed using the retired SSID to the new SSID. No action is required for the embedded PT that was completed using the new SSID. The student will show as not completed until the first three embedded PTs are moved to the new SSID.
Initial ELPAC completed No other testing started No Student demographics will show for the new SSID. The student will appear on the Initial ELPAC Eligibility Report until the remapping move to the new SSID has occurred.
Three Initial ELPAC domains completed No other testing started Yes; request the swap for the three completed domains. The student completes the remaining domains using the new SSID.