Condition Code Descriptions

A special condition code indicates the presence of a particular circumstance during testing. Only one condition code can be applied per student’s content-area assessment.


Table 1 describes the CAASPP condition codes. For a more detailed description of all condition codes and their meanings, refer to the Condition Codes appendix of the current CAASPP Student Data File Layout that is linked on the CAASPP & ELPAC SSR and Reporting Resources web page.

Table 1. CAASPP Condition Codes

Condition Code Assessment Description
  • CAA for ELA
  • CAA for Mathematics
  • CAA for Science
The student did not answer any questions so will receive the LOSS.
  • CAA for ELA
  • CAA for Mathematics
  • CAA for Science
The student answered more than one but fewer than four questions so will receive the LOSS +1.
  • Smarter Balanced for ELA
  • Smarter Balanced for Mathematics
  • CAST
  • Smarter Balanced—The student answered fewer than 10 CAT items and 1 PT item so will receive the LOSS.
  • CAST—The student answered fewer than 10 questions.
  • Smarter Balanced for ELA

The student has been designated as an EL and is within the first 12 months of enrollment in a US school after April 15 of the previous year so is exempt for ELA and receives no score; additionally, one of the following conditions was met:

  • Student was enrolled and did not test.
  • Student tested but responded to fewer than one item in each part.
  • A force-complete occurs when the student did not log on to at least one part of the online assessment within a content area (e.g., CAT or PT in the case of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, or one of the four embedded PTs in the case of the CAA for Science) before the end of the LEA testing window. The assessment is force-completed by the system so that student’s test can be moved to the process of scoring and reporting.
  • CAA for ELA

The student has been designated as an EL and is within the first 12 months of enrollment in a US school as of April 15 of the previous year so is exempt for ELA and receives no score; additionally, one of the following conditions was met:

  • Student was enrolled and did not test.
  • Student tested but responded to fewer than four items.
  • CAA for Science
The student attempted at least 1 PT but fewer than 4 PTs so receives no score.
  • All CAASPP
The student was not tested.
  • All CAASPP
The student was not tested due to a medical emergency.
  • All CAASPP
The student was not tested by parent or guardian request.


Table 2 describes the ELPAC condition codes. Only one condition code can be applied per student’s domain. For a more detailed description of all condition codes and their meanings, refer to the Condition Codes appendix of the current ELPAC Student Data File Layout that is linked on the CAASPP & ELPAC SSR and Reporting Resources web page.

Table 2. ELPAC Condition Codes

Condition Code Assessment Description
  • Summative ELPAC
Within a composite, a student may be assigned an exemption from testing in one of the two domains; the composite’s score, which is used to calculate the overall score, is derived from the score of the tested domain.
  • Summative ELPAC
  • Summative Alternate ELPAC
The student was not tested and the student’s ELAS did not change from EL to non-EL by the end of the testing window.