Common CAASPP and ELPAC SSR Page 1 General Information

Student Information

Top of page 1 of an SSR with callouts pointing to the student's school, enrollment information, and name and mailing address.

Figure 1. Student information on page one of an SSR

Table 1. SSR Student Information Description (Figure 1)

# Feature Description
1 School information This area shows the name of the student’s school and LEA.
2 Student information This area shows information about the student, including the student’s SSID and grade level. The grade noted indicates the grade level in which the student was enrolled at the start of testing.
3 Student’s mailing address This area shows the student’s mailing address as listed in CALPADS. If no mailing address exists, then the residential address as listed in CALPADS will be populated.

Additional Resources

All SSRs include a QR code and a URL for additional information on either the CAASPP Starting Smarter website or the ELPAC Starting Smarter website.

Bottom of the CAASPP and ELPAC SSRs with callouts pointing to QR codes and information about the Starting Smarter website on both samples.

Figure 2. Additional information on page one of an SSR

Table 2. SSR Additional Information Description (Figure 2)

# Feature Description
1 QR codes QR codes give parents/guardians an additional way to access the Starting Smarter website. There is a code for CAASPP and one for the ELPAC.
2 Starting Smarter website information This section highlights the Starting Smarter website, which describes SSRs and other information that supports student learning.