Reports in CERS

CERS provides teachers and administrators access to individual student and aggregate summative assessment results as they become available and prior to the public release of statewide aggregate results. CERS also provides individual and group interim assessment results at any time throughout the year, after the scoring—including hand scoring—is completed. In addition to the scores for the current administration, results for past administrations are available.

Access to student information in CERS depends on the user’s role in TOMS and the school(s) or LEA(s) with which the user’s account is associated. User roles are assigned by an LEA or school administrator.

Authorized system users can view individual and group student data at the relevant district, school, grade levels, and student groups. Users with the required permissions may also view, download, and print ISRs. For example, teachers may have permission to view reports for students in personalized student groups, school administrators may view results for all students in their school, and LEA administrators may view results for all students in their LEA.

When users log on to CERS, the users are directed to the home page. This page allows users to perform tasks permitted in their assigned roles (e.g., the home page for teachers with the Educator - Roster role does not display the Administrator Tools or Search by School features). Tasks initiated on the CERS home page include searching for assessment results, generating various reports, and performing administrative tasks.

Administrators can create custom aggregate reports summarizing student performance in the user’s state, district, or school. A custom aggregate report can be further categorized by student demographic and program groups (e.g., race/ethnicity, migrant status). It may also include summary information on performance at other institution levels (i.e., a school report can also include a summary of performance in that school’s LEA).

Educators can access individual student assessment results and reports as well as aggregate group results and reports for each group of students assigned. Educators can view and create customized groups from the assigned students in CERS.

For more details about CERS, refer to the California Educator Reporting System User Guide and the resources available on the CERS Resources web page. The CERS Sandbox Training Tool is available with no required secure logon that allows users to explore CERS features using generated data and sample assessments.

For LEA staff seeking more information about creating student groups and giving access to educators, visit the Manage Student Groups subsection in the California Educator Reporting System User Guide or access the Creating Groups in the California Educator Reporting System (CERS) video.