The SSR is the official score report for parents/guardians. An SSR describes the student’s results and is made available to all students and parents/guardians.

An LEA coordinator at the student’s current or last enrolled LEA can download a student’s SSR for the current and previous test administrations through TOMS. If the LEA has established SIS credentialing, parents and guardians can also access SSRs through their SIS parent portal.


LEAs have three options for accessing and distributing SSRs to parents/guardians; these are described in more detail in the chapter Distributing SSRs.

  1. Accessing electronic PDF SSRs and HTML SSRs using a locally provided parent/guardian or student portal
  2. Downloading PDF SSRs from TOMS and making them available electronically using a secure local method
  3. Downloading PDF SSRs from TOMS, printing them, and making them available locally

The SSRs listed in table 1 are available as single downloadable PDFs or electronically through a parent or student portal. In this table, the asterisk (*) indicates that when a grade eleven student takes the science test, the student will receive an SSR with ELA, mathematics, and science; and that a grade eleven student who does not take the science test will receive an SSR with ELA and mathematics only.

Table 1. Available PDF SSR Types

Content Area(s) Grade Levels
Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11*
Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics and CAST 5, 8, 11*
CAST (only) 10, 12
CAAs for ELA and mathematics 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11*
CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science 5, 8, 11*
CAA for Science (only) 10, 12
CSA 3–12 (if CSA taken)
Summative ELPAC K–12 (eligible students; if taken)
Summative Alternate ELPAC K–12 (eligible students; if taken)

Refer to the SSRs Descriptions chapter for details about all SSRs.