What’s New in 2023–24

All CAASPP and ELPAC Assessments

  • The individual Scoring and Reporting Guide for each program has been combined into this single manual, the CAASPP and ELPAC Scoring and Reporting Guide.
  • Information about reporting for CAASPP and the ELPAC is now found on the SSR and Reporting Resources web page on the CAASPP & ELPAC Website.
  • SSRs are available in Arabic.
  • All SSRs were redesigned with the following features:
    • SSRs are now available in PDF as well as HTML format.
    • Each SSR now contains a cover page that includes information about the assessment as well as a QR code and hyperlink for quick access to the Starting Smarter website.
    • Links to HTML SSRs that can be accessed from within the parent portal and are responsive to mobile devices by parents/guardians (but only if the SIS vendor provides this service).
  • The Starting Smarter websites for California have been redesigned to reflect and include the enhancements and revisions made to the CAASPP and ELPAC SSRs, offer a wider range of resources to parents and guardians, and provide more information about each assessment.
  • New “Understanding the SSR” videos have been added to the CAASPP Starting Smarter and ELPAC Starting Smarter websites. These are also available on the Understanding Student Score Reports (SSRs) YouTube playlist.


  • Grade five, eight, or eleven SSRs that include the science test can be downloaded only when student results for the three assessments—ELA, mathematics, and science—are available. Results for individual assessments can be accessed in CERS once the assessment has been scored and is ready for reporting.
  • Score comparisons are again available on CAASPP SSRs.
    • For the Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics and CAST, the score comparisons indicate how a student’s score compares to the school’s average and the state average for each assessment.
    • For the CAAs for ELA, mathematics, and science, the student’s score is compared to the state average only.
  • Students who were designated as NTE or PGE after having started a test will not have the results for that test reported in the SSR, LEA Student Score Data File, or CERS.

Smarter Balanced for ELA and Mathematics

  • The following additions have been made to CAASPP Smarter Balanced SSRs:
    • Score history
    • Score comparisons
    • Lexile® and Quantile® measures
    • WER scores
  • The Test Results for California’s Assessments website, CERS, and SSRs now report results for the following composite claims:
    • ELA Composite Claims:
      • Reading and Listening
      • Writing and Research
  • Mathematics Composite Claims:
    • Concepts and Procedures
    • Mathematical Practices


  • CAST results are reported in the same SSR with the Smarter Balanced for ELA and mathematics for grades five, eight, and eleven (if the student took the CAST in grade eleven). Otherwise, CAST results are reported in a separate SSR.

CAA for Science

  • Like CAST cohort reporting, the Test Results for California’s Assessments website will show how the entire class of eligible grade twelve students performed on the high school CAA for Science, regardless of whether they tested in grade ten, eleven, or twelve.
  • The CAA for Science is reported in the same SSR with the CAAs for ELA and mathematics in grades five, eight, and eleven (if the student took the CAA for Science in grade eleven). Otherwise, it is reported in a separate SSR.


  • CERS will include an indicator whether the lack of a Summative ELPAC domain result means that a domain exemption was requested. This indicator will display in the Results by Student section of CERS for domains where applicable.
  • Score history for up to three consecutive years is included, where applicable, in the Summative Alternate ELPAC SSRs.